Anarchist Protestors Blocked Uber Cars in the Streets of Seattle

The anarchist collective known as the Counterforce has turned its sights from Google to Uber. On Saturday night, a group of tech industry protestors blocked cars with the Uber logo on the street in Seattle, documenting the incident on a Wordpress blog, just like they did with Kevin Rose.
Detective Mark Jameison from the Seattle Police Department told Valleywag the protest had not come to his attention. "It didn't look like it got any local coverage here," he said this morning. "There might have been some people who were protesting in the middle of the street but it certainly didn't amount to anything."
"Are you sure that it was in Seattle?" Jameison added.
The Wordpress blog has four photos of protestors, one of whom appears to be wearing a ski mask. They claim to have detained ten cars and distributed fliers in front of hundreds of witnesses. The photos show them blocking at least one car.
Counterforce members in San Francisco used the pseudonym Nicolas Flamel. In Seattle, the URL for the protest site was named after Gerard Lebovici, the assassinated French film producer. Reached by email, "Flamel" told Valleywag that the Uber protest was undertaken by "a different counterforce group for us in the bay," who forwarded them the website after it occurred:
I just learned Gerard Lebovici was the patron of Guy Debord, author of
Society of the Spectacle. Its a totally different group, though.
The Society of the Spectacle is a Marxist treatise from 1967 that "predicted our distracted society." The byline for the post is "Octavio Alberola," presumably after the anti-Franco Spanish anarchist.

The post goes into detail about Uber CEO Travis Kalanick and the origins of Uber:
The leader of Uber is a man named Travis Kalanick, a 37-year-old sociopath from the superficial landscape of Los Angeles. He went to UCLA and joined the Theta Xi fraternity. A few years before he entered the university, Theta Xi drew widespread scorn when its internal fraternity songbooks were leaked, revealing the scope of the brotherhood's racism and hatred of women. These drunken monsters would routinely sing lines like "maggots crawl out of her decomposed womb" and "the dirty fags who contracted AIDS and died."
Counterforce members compare Kalanick to Nietzsche's Uberman or Übermensch, tying his company to the death of 6-year-old Sophia Liu on New Year's Eve:
Sometimes the capitalists try to sound like anarchists. Travis Kalanick wants to undermine every City Hall he encounters and render its laws meaningless. But in the end, he wants the laws to favor him and him alone. He is the Uber Man after all, and if the state wants to keep him down, then he should be free to hijack the state and make it serve his ends. Like the besieged capitalists in The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, people like Travis Kalanick will compete with everyone on their way to the top, trampling on their workers and ignoring ghosts like Sofia.
I have reached out to Uber and will update the post when I hear back.

If you're a member of the Counterforce in Seattle or witnessed the protest, please contact me at