Burning Man Partied at the Altar of a Golden Facebook Like

If you needed further that proof that Burning Man is now just SXSW: Desert Storm, how about the Playa's own paean to Facebook?
Technically, the installation didn't violate Burning Man's "Decommodification" principle since the sculpture, by a Dutch artist named Dadara who raised funds on Indiegogo, was designed to "question how social media affects our human bonds."
"Doing a deal at Burning Man" is the new "doing a deal at someplace douchey."
— Alexia Tsotsis (@alexia) August 26, 2013
But between the bikini-clad tech deals and outsourcing "DIY" art projects to TaskRabbits, the "Like4Real" statue became turned into just another social media humble-brag. Suddenly, this year's "Cargo Cult" theme makes sense.
The Art Theme for Burning Man this year was "Cargo Cult" which is odd, because I had always thought Burning Man WAS a Cargo cult.
— Forest Mars (@forestmars) September 2, 2013