For every child that dreamed of one day becoming a "a financially embattled thousandaire," Trump Soho hotel has just the thing.

The company is now offering, "Young Entrepreneurs SoHo, a unique extension of the brand-wide Trump Kids program," open to "children and teens aged 3 to 17 who are hotel guests, condo owners, or residents of the neighborhood."

So what does a deluxe package for kidtrepreneurs consist of? Coding lessons? The chance to crowdfund Donald Trump's next real estate deal? An acquisition offer from Yahoo?

The suite of benefits includes:

  • Personalized business cards upon registration
  • Personalized child-size robe for initial stay post registration
  • Complimentary kid's meals*
  • Custom in-room amenities such as milk and cookies
  • Exclusive invitations to cooking classes, beauty days at The Spa at Trump, and more
  • Quarterly newsletter discussing kid-friendly events around the city

"Eloise at the Accelerator" just doesn't have the same ring to it.