Dropbox Founder Posts $1.2 Million Online Banking Screenshot

Let's disrupt modesty: Drew Houston, who created the widely popular cloud-syncing service Dropbox, just shared a little gem from his past. Do you remember the day you became a tech millionaire? He sure does—and here's the unimpeachable proof!
The screenshot—uploaded to, of course, RapGenius—shows Dropbox's company account the moment it received a $1.2 million funding round in 2008:
Honestly, I don't think I've ever been "ready." I remember the day our first investors said yes and asked us where to send the money. For a 24 year old, this is Christmas — and opening your present is hitting refresh over and over on bankofamerica.com and watching your company's checking account go from 60 dollars to 1.2 million dollars. At first I was ecstatic — that number has two commas in it! I took a screenshot — but then I was sick to my stomach. Someday these guys are going to want this back. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
You'd gotten yourself into a massively successful business, Drew! [via FastCo]
Update: RapGenius co-founder Mahbod Moghadam provided Valleywag with the following statement. It's best read as a sort of poem:
he did it!
he is such a boss
that's like something I would do
he is such a rustic thug pimp
he threw the bank shit up on RGclearly a disruptive ass mufucka