Empowering Kickstarter Will Make a Calendar of Beautiful Gaming Babes

Sometimes when girls be gaming, they like to bite their bottom lip as they lean suggestively upon an electronic device. Other times, female gamers coyly bite down on a power cord while their cleavage is exposed because they just love gaming that hard.
These are merely two of the empowering images you can own if you donate to the "Girls and Games Calendar" on Kickstarter. The campaign is a noble effort to welcome female games into a culture that can otherwise be toxic towards women, who are reluctant to speak out about the harassment they face:
This project is to show off some of the beautiful women in the gaming community in a well put together calendar.
Because nothing says "We consider you our equal" like a calendar filled with beautiful specimens.
The organizers are two cool dudes named Jared Beymer and Erick Klix, who also happen to be entrepreneurs:
If you would like to check out some of Erick's work you can check out Klix Pix Photography page here: https://www.facebook.com/KlixPixPhotogr…
Jared just won the Iowa State University Pitch Competition, and will now be going to Chicago to pitch his idea on a new take on a way to make saving lives easier, quicker, and cheaper.
According to the promotional video for the Kickstarter, which has only raised $205 of its $3,500 goal, it looks like Klix himself is handling the photography. That explains this line:
Everyone working on this project is extremely excited to be working on this project.
That also serves as a legal disclaimer that none of the women have been harmed in the making of this idiocy.
To contact the author of this post, please email nitasha@gawker.com.