Everyone Knows PayPal Is Closing StackMob, Except StackMob Marketing

Less than three months after PayPal purchased StackMob, PayPal announced it will be shutting down the mobile startup. The news of the closure broke yesterday, only no one told StackMob's marketing department.
The company, which makes it easier for developers to integrate their apps with cloud services, won't shut down until May. StackMob CEO Ty Amell is super psyched to be subsumed by the PayPal borg, reports ReadWrite:
"By closing the doors to StackMob, we will be able to focus 100% of our energy on extending innovation in mobile technologies that will let users access the rich capabilities of the PayPal global network," StackMob CEO Ty Amell said in a statement.
In an upcoming cover story, Forbes says PayPal's global network wants to "control of every transaction on the planet." Planetary dominance might be a stretch considering CEO David Marcus had to threaten his own employees to install the PayPal app or quit.
When Marcus chews out the poor StackMob marketing soul who sent that email, how many exclamation points do you think he'll use!!?!?!!
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