Facebook Buys Branch for $15 Million

If you're wondering why there's been little news out of Twitter-based discussion... thing Branch, here's some: Facebook is acquiring the tiny talented team for $15 million, to create a project group in New York.
From Branch founder Josh Miller's Facebook update:
After two years building Branch and Potluck, I am thrilled to announce that we will be continuing our mission at Facebook!
We will be forming Facebook's Conversations group, based in New York City, with the goal of helping people connect with others around their interests. Their pitch to us was: "Build Branch at Facebook scale!"
Although the products we build will be reminiscent of Branch and Potluck, those services will live on outside of Facebook. A more thoughtful note and details to come soon but I am writing this haphazardly from a mountain in Japan (I was tipped that the story was going to leak while on vacation).
In the meantime, a huge "thank you" to our investors. Especially, Jason Goldman, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, Ryan Freitas, John Borthwick, and Jonah Peretti, who all spent an extraordinary amount of time with us.
Those investors put in a mere two million dollars, so they should be pleased with a nice tidy return. Now Miller just has to think of what to say when FWD.us comes up at work.