Facebook Is Mostly White Dudes

Water is wet, the night is dark, the sugar is sweet, and according to a new internal report, the social network employs mostly men, who usually look the same. At the top of the org chart, 93% of leadership positions are caucasian or Asian.
The report is titled "Building a More Diverse Facebook," because that's exactly what the company has not been doing, and the first rule of PR is always say the opposite of whatever is happening.
It's been this way since Facebook was started by a group of young white men. Now those young white men are 30-year-old white men, and the genetic makeup of Mature Facebook isn't considerably different: only two percent of Facebook employees are black, and that drops to one percent at the senior staff level. Naturally, the company is 69 percent male (77 percent male at the senior level).
This puts Facebook in a fiercely competitive position with its lily-white online competitors at Yahoo and Google. Don't worry, though: Facebook PR trotted out the business platitudes for this very special occasion: "We have a long way to go, but we're absolutely committed to achieving greater diversity at Facebook and across the industry."