Facebook VP Calls Secret "Hurtful" After Being Called Out on Secret

What's written in Secret is having trouble staying secret. Earlier this week, comments made on the anonymous app were the catalyst for an implosion at GitHub. Now Facebook exec Andrew "Boz" Bosworth is publicly defending himself against criticism from a nameless tweety bird icon.
In a Facebook post, the company's VP of advertising and pages bemoaned an "entire thread bashing me" on Secret, even though he hadn't seen what was written.
The thread about Boz showed up in my feed last night, but appears to be deleted. Luckily half my iPhone camera roll is Secret screenshots and I took a couple of that exchange, otherwise we might have missed this smack-talking twist: Boz's critic predicted the Facebook exec's response down to the word.

"Boz, I know you're reading this and will think it's an 'unaccountable invective,'" writes the anonymous commenter.
Then, sure enough, Boz used the same phrase. After acknowledging his own behavior, Boz wonders if his frenemies are just jealous, and then proceeds to blame on the app: "But mostly, This is just hurtful without being helpful. It is invective without accountability. It is the true nature of Secret at scale."
From what I recall, the thread started with asking Secret users to dish on managers at Facebook. Later on, the person behind the bird icon clarified that they weren't angry, just honest.
Regarding the comments on this Secret: ouch! Apparently there is an entire thread bashing me floating around which I haven't seen.
To a large extent this is something I invited upon myself through my own behavior, especially early on at Facebook. I built up a debt that I suspect I'll never get the opportunity to repay. I hope I have grown since then but I'm still responsible for how I made people feel. Whether confirmation bias or legitimate grievance, it's on me to be better and I work at that every day.
To some degree this is an expected part of having some small amount of notoriety in conjunction with something successful. People want to tear things down either out of jealousy or to justify their own decisions and situations. I can't imagine what people who are actually famous must feel.
But mostly, This is just hurtful without being helpful. It is invective without accountability. It is the true nature of Secret at scale.
He may not be able to handle candid feedback, but in a way Boz is right. If this is how grown-ups respond to Secret, what will happen if teens start using it?
I've taken a screenshot of Boz's post, too—just in case Facebook's feelings about anonymity come up during any future multi-billion acquisition talks.
To contact the author of this post, please email nitasha@gawker.com.