List of Salaries For Interns Who Can Code Will Burn Your Eyeballs

Earlier today Tiffany Zhong tweeted out a list of "top" offers for undergraduate internships at tech companies. Her use of a single paltry money bag emoji in the caption barely cover$$$$$$$ it. The hospital bill for internal organ corrosion after staring directly at this list will be smaller than what these kids cop in a month.
Friend made a list of top internship offers đź’°
— Tiffany Zhong (@tzhongg) November 23, 2014
Sweet christ, Silicon Valley. Stop wasting money on those learn to code infomercials and just flash these numbers on screen for a minute and a half.
@atlantatweeps @swelly127 I'm sure it varies but these are software dev positions
— Tiffany Zhong (@tzhongg) November 23, 2014
Interns don't usually work a full year, so annualizing the numbers is misleading. But even interns who score the lowest offerings on the list—say the ones that offer a scant $6,000/month before the housing stipend—would need a little over half a year to make the national average annual salary of $44,000, says Vox. Interns who snagged that sweet Fitbit gig in San Francisco would make $111,600 if they stuck around for a year.
On LinkedIn, Zhong lists her title as "Hustler" at Glimpse Labs, the teen-focused app for disappearing photos. (Glimpse's original cofounder, Pax Dickinson, has since moved on to try to get another gamergate going.) As far as I'm concerned, anyone who can casually utter the phrase "I think 9k?" when discussing Google's housing stipend for future college dropouts is the real hustler.
Update: Betabeat has a more complete salary breakdown from Jessica Shu, the 19-year-old Cornell student who originally posted this list on the Hackathon Hackers Facebook group. Hire Jessica for everything.
I wasn't sure how to negotiate internship offers so I pulled some numbers from a reddit thread. These are all internship offers received by undergraduate students so hopefully some of you guys will find this useful during negotiations (obviously keep in mind that there are more important factors than salary) — also these numbers are last summer so adjust for inflation when thinking about next summer
Quora $8250/month + $1500 housing
Palantir: $7500 + housing
Pinterest: $7500 + $1.5k/month housing
Upthere: $6400/mo + $900/mo housing
Jane Street: $10,400/month
Dropbox: $8.5 salary + $5 housing stipend or provided housing (it is nice)
Google: $7000/month Housing Stipend: "I think 9K?"
Square: $7500/mo + $1500/mo housing (Doctorate Student Internship)
LinkedIn: $44/hour (around $7600/month) + 5k relocation (one time)
Amazon Seattle: $6k salary + $2.5 per month housing ($8500)
Amazon SF: $7.5k salary + $3500/month
Fitbit SF: $9.3k/month
Edmodo: $7k/month
Apple: $6k and $3.5k per month housing ($9500)
Coursera KPCB: $7000/month and housing $1000/month + Macbook Pro
Facebook: $6.8k/mo (return) and housing: $1k/mo or corp housing
Foursquare NY: $6000/month and housing: $5k stipend
Microsoft Seattle: $7.5/mo + Housing $2.5k + $5k returning intern bonus
Zynga: $8k/mo
MISSING/REQUESTED: Airbnb, Uber, Intel
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