Mark Zuckerberg Pays Kids to Squat in Parking Spots Overnight

The extravagant renovation of Mark Zuckerberg's $10 million San Francisco "fixer-upper" has already aggravated neighbors with months of noise and parking concerns. But Zuckerberg's own actions are making the impacts of the ongoing 17 month project worse. According to CBS, the boy billionaire has been paying a squad of squatters to hold parking spots so his construction workers have somewhere to park.
People, usually in pairs, regularly sit in parked cars overnight near Zuckerburg's home on 21st street near Dolores Street, according to neighbor Trafton Bean.
After noticing this for several weeks, one of Bean's roommates asked who they were. Several have now responded, claiming that they were hired by Zuckerberg to hold additional parking spots aside from the 4-5 allotted for construction vehicles during the morning. Most of the workers were young, and one had what looked like a college textbook to study while they waited in the dark, Bean said.
Hoarding public parking for private use got one startup chased out of San Francisco. But no expense is too great—no neighbor-alienating behavior is too extreme—in the construction of "Fort Zuckerberg."
Neighbors told CBS that they have to deal with "ear-splitting" construction from a 40 to 50 person workforce, even on Saturday mornings. In addition to parking hassles and sleepless mornings, Zuckerberg's crew as usurped the entire street.
As Curbed SF points out, the sprawling impact of Zuckerberg's Mission move is plainly visible on Google Street View: