Millennials Think The Sun Will Never Set on the Silicon Valley Empire

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd finally recovered from her bad trip and she's back in the opining business. In this weekend's Sunday Review, she bemoaned the loss of American exceptionalism. But one bright-eyed demographic doesn't share her bad attitude:
Young people are more optimistic than their rueful elders, especially those in the technology world. They are the anti-Cheneys, competitive but not triumphalist. They think of themselves as global citizens, not interested in exalting America above all other countries.
"The 23-year-olds I work with are a little over the conversation about how we were the superpower brought low," said Ben Smith, the editor in chief of Buzzfeed. "They think that's an 'older person conversation.' They're more interested in this moment of crazy opportunity, with the massive economic and cultural transformation driven by Silicon Valley. And kids feel capable of seizing it. Technology isn't a section in the newspaper any more. It's the culture."
This is what happens when you only remember the 90's.
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