Postmates Lowers Expectations

Postmates, a well-funded delivery startup premised on your inability to get out of bed, does not pay its couriers well. But according to one current employee, the company is at least admitting the money isn't that great.
Sort of. On its website, Postmates still boasts a $30 per hour opportunity delivering light bulbs and sushi rolls to the sloths of Silicon Valley and beyond. But on Craigslist, where the company also heavily recruits via spammy job listings, the figure is bumped down to $20:

Our tipster says reality is even worse than Craigslist (shudder):
I've biked part-time for Postmates since October and started tracking my hourly wages beginning in November. My average hourly rate is $12.63. Only once have I averaged $20/hr through a 4 hour shift.
Twelve bucks an hour isn't so great if you're spending all day running around dropping off socks for software engineers.