Protestors Blockade Private Tech Buses

The day after an uncomfortable internal leak out of Google, anti-gentrification activists in San Francisco are attempting to shut down private shuttles from Facebook and Google, the old fashioned way.
It appears two buses in total are stopped in traffic, with protestors turning out from Heart of the City. The usual refrains are here:
Some signs are more subtle the others at the Google bus protest.
— Katy Steinmetz (@katysteinmetz) January 21, 2014
Along with concrete demands:
Flyer given out at a google bus protest. Guy playing a trumpet. Little different than the protests I usually go to.
— Ethar El-Katatney (@etharkamal) January 21, 2014
Here's a view from above:
One Facebook staffer tweeted a view from inside:
This has to stop, San Francisco. Both our bus and the google bus are currently blocked.
— Christophe Tauziet (@ChrisTauziet) January 21, 2014
It's unclear whether the buses were blockaded at designated stops, or mid-ride—and where's that security detail?