Rap Genius Seeks 'Full Time Attaché w/ Good Taste' on Craigslist

Attention: Enterprising Millennials. Do you want to work for a startup that's raised $15 million from a Sand Hill Road steamroller like Andreesseen Horowitz, but refers to the funding as "15,000 racks"? What if the gig involves meticulously vetting shower stools? If so, you're in luck!
"DOWN FOR WHATEVER" individuals willing to decipher copious, vague email instructions from the at times unintelligible cofounders of Rap Genius can apply for a job as a "full time attaché" at their Williamsburg office.
According to the listing on Craigslist, applicants must be in possession of impeccable taste. Clearly they're operating at a loss in that respect. All you need to do is send in your two best Instagram photos and display the surfeit of imagination that allows you, too, to pretend some benevolent venture capitalist will one day bankroll your baller lifestyle:
Come up with an interview question you would ask someone you were considering to be your own personal assistant
Outsourcing the interview itself is pretty entrepreneurial. But we're not sure there's enough Vyvanse to make this worth your while.
Here's the full job description from Craigslist:
You've gotta BE DOWN FOR WHATEVER — whether it's something baller like picking up snapple or inserts at CVS for a famous rapper or as thankless as unboxing my shower stool.
Sometimes you'll have to look at a list of things (eg shower stools on amazon) and pick the best one even though all of them have mixed reviews so you must have good taste and the ability to make a tough call!
Booking flights, setting up apartments, swirling the bottom of the pan w/ a thin coat of olive oil, etc, etc.. there's going to be a lot of emails.. and nothing will be explained in too much detail but you'll have to get all the details right anyway (and if you don't... more emails)
The application: answer these questions in the body of an email (no attachments) and send it to dfw@rapgenius.com
Where you went to college, your major, and the year you graduated
Your 2 best Instagram photos
A photo of your home or any other space you set up to be pleasant
Any online presence you want to share - blog, twitter, rap genius account, personal website, etc. - the more, the better
During your interview, you'll be asked to give us a spiel on something that's interesting to you. Could be anything. Don't get into it here, just tell us what your topic will be
Come up with an interview question you would ask someone you were considering to be your own personal assistant