Reddit Unveils the Worst Kickstarter Clone We've Ever Seen

When Reddit quietly announced their new Redditmade project last night, we worried it'd be a quasi-Kickstarter knockoff where titillated teenagers crowdfund the release of hacked nudes. But Redditmade is much, much more pitiful: it simply allows Reddit's moderators to hawk depressing merch to the site's volatile masses.
Combining the excitement of crowdfunding with the fashion sense of Zazzle, Redditmade "is a new place to turn the best designs and products by the community into reality," the company wrote in an announcement:
redditmade gives you the flexibility to create almost anything you want, easily raise money, and support causes you care about. It's also a great way for others to find awesome new products they'll love and support other redditors while knowing their information and money will always be secure.
Reddit thinks that its users will turn artwork into t-shirts. And so far, TechCrunch has been impressed with some of Reddmade's offerings: TC's Jon Russell remarked that a Reddit Secret Santa Sticker Pack "caught [his] eye."
However, that sticker pack was designed by the company itself—presumably shelling out some of their $50 million in investor dollars on a professional design. And that sticker pack aside, Redditmade is mostly full of hideous tees only a Redditor could love.

Thus far, the bulk of Redditmade's products have received no backing, sparing the site the embarrassment of having to print slogans like "cum box."
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