Rebirth of the Shitheads: Silicon Villains Get a Second Chance
Sam Biddle · 02/20/14 12:03PM
Every morning some startup founder rises and thanks our species for its short attention span. If we didn't forget the innumerable failures of yesterday, who would ever fund their close cousins today? The same goes for the people behind the debacles—people like our old friends Peter Shih and Greg Gopman, who are already banking on amnesia, if not amnesty.
Happy Holidays: Startup CEO Complains SF Is Full of Human Trash
Sam Biddle · 12/11/13 09:59AMGoogle Employee: "You can't afford it? You can leave!" (Update: Hoax)
Sam Biddle · 12/09/13 02:44PM Well, if you're going to be awful, at least be awfully honest. Or something. Or, maybe think twice before hopping off the Google Bus as it's surrounded by protestors and saying "Why don't you go to a city where you can afford it? This is a city for the right people." Update: This was probably staged.
The Holidays Are Tough When Tumblr Made You Rich
Sam Biddle · 12/03/13 06:09PMMarc Benioff Is the Ron Burgundy of Tech
Anonymous · 11/22/13 02:40PM CEO Marc Benioff is an egomaniacal buffoon who laughs at the plight of underpaid Walmart workers and flies the prime minister of Haiti up to San Francisco so he can thank Benioff in person, in front of 15,000 people, for being such an amazing human being. And like all buffoons, Benioff has no idea how much of a buffoon he truly is.