Bitcoin Mining Company Screwed Customers and Bought Guns Instead
Sam Biddle · 09/23/14 02:02PMBitcoin CEO's Guilty Plea: "I Knew That What I Was Doing Was Wrong"
Nitasha Tiku · 09/05/14 04:45PM
Bitcoin crusader Charlie Shrem pled guilty in court yesterday to charges related to Silk Road, the Deep Web drug market. The 24-year-old sounded much less defiant than he had just earlier this week. "I knew that what I was doing was wrong," he told the court, "I am pleading guilty because I am guilty."
Sam Biddle · 09/05/14 09:48AM
Bitcoin Boss Charlie Shrem Pleads Guilty
Sam Biddle · 09/02/14 11:44AMThe Fallen Mt. Gox Bitcoin King Faces Jail Time in France
Sam Biddle · 08/01/14 03:02PMSam Biddle · 07/02/14 09:10AM
Kevin Montgomery · 06/30/14 02:49PM
FBI Leaks List of Possible Drug Bitcoin Buyers
Sam Biddle · 06/18/14 05:11PMThere Will Be a Bitcoin NCAA Bowl Game
Sam Biddle · 06/18/14 08:50AMBitcoin Cartel Seizes Enough Power to Spend Money Twice
Sam Biddle · 06/16/14 03:26PMFeds Auctioning Off Drug Dealer Bitcoins at Liquidation Prices
Sam Biddle · 06/12/14 05:38PMThe Winklevoss Twins Have a New Show on Sirius Called Winklevoss Radio
Nitasha Tiku · 05/21/14 03:05PM
Tomorrow night marks the premiere of Winklevoss Radio, a new "an hour-long, limited-run" show on Sirius XM. Most of us only know Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss as Greenwich Ken dolls with opposable thumbs *litigation comes separately. So it will be great to introduce the element of sound at no additional cost.
Electing This Man Mayor of Oakland Will Be a Disaster for Oakland
Sam Biddle · 04/23/14 01:06PMThe Bitcoin Broker and the 13-Year-Old Girl in the Bikini
Sam Biddle · 04/15/14 01:45PM
Last year, successful startup CEO and Bitcoin community hero Tony Gallippi testified before Congress on behalf of the oft-maligned crypto-libertarian dream currency. Gallippi, head of the virtual payment company Bitpay, explained to a subcommittee of the Senate Banking Committee that he believed Bitcoin had the power to transform the way Americans live their financial lives—not just through secure transactions, but by creating an immense ledger of property exchange, "a public record forever, for pennies."
Nitasha Tiku · 03/19/14 11:13AM
Nitasha Tiku · 03/13/14 03:59PM
Perhaps "secret bank vaults deep in the earth" can save Bitcoin. Benchmark just invested $20 million in Xapo, which stores bitcoin code on computer drives. If the vault is breached, Xapo says it will fully insure all deposits. A guarantee that you won't lose your shirt in cryptocurrency? How innovative!