Tech's Whitest White Man Still Thinks You Aren't Trying Hard Enough
Sam Biddle · 07/18/14 01:18PM
About a year ago, millionaire tech investor and adult-sized baby Jason Calacanis proclaimed a simple message: if you're not successful in this country, you're not working hard enough. Every bias and bigot-ism is just an obstacle to hop over. This week he's at it again. Why is anyone still listening?
Startup Founder Mocks Airport Employee For Having Shitty Non-Tech Job
Sam Biddle · 08/26/13 02:03PM
Years ago, Jason Kester made a TechCrunch-approved company called Twiddla. It lets you draw virtual pictures on websites with other people, which maybe you want to do, who knows. Today, globetrotting Jason wrote one of the most hideously arrogant things you've read in a while, all about his superiority.