Rand Paul Opening Silicon Valley Office to Fund Expected Presidential Run
Kevin Montgomery · 09/22/14 12:00PM
Republicans have been ratcheting up their efforts to win-over the new money elites of the tech boom. The latest move comes from Senator Rand Paul, who announced he's opening an office in the Bay Area—fueling speculation that he's planning to run for president in 2016 and plans to use technolibertarians as his personal piggy bank.
Republicans Want to Win Over Millennials By Shilling For Uber
Kevin Montgomery · 08/06/14 01:00PM
Republicans have long struggled to capture the hearts of millennials. It's never helped that the emerging crop of young voters are fundamentally opposed to the GOP's archaic social policies and general inclination toward stupidity. But the party of Big Business thinks it has found a wedge issue in Silicon Valley that can seduce skeptical kids: backing anti-regulation startups like Uber.