Startup Founder Hacks Investor’s Voicemail In Attempt to Get Funding
Nitasha Tiku · 10/27/14 12:20PMTech's Whitest White Man Still Thinks You Aren't Trying Hard Enough
Sam Biddle · 07/18/14 01:18PM
About a year ago, millionaire tech investor and adult-sized baby Jason Calacanis proclaimed a simple message: if you're not successful in this country, you're not working hard enough. Every bias and bigot-ism is just an obstacle to hop over. This week he's at it again. Why is anyone still listening?
Jason Calacanis Whines About Secret on Secret
Sam Biddle · 03/21/14 05:00PMIf You Can't Get Women On Your Panels, Throw Them a Separate Party?
Nitasha Tiku · 02/25/14 11:55AMAngel Investing Is No Different Than Gambling in Vegas
Nitasha Tiku · 11/22/13 06:24PM
Entrepreneur and investor Jason Calacanis offered an exquisite example of the dangers created by loosening the rules around crowd-funding. During a PandoMonthly fireside chat last night, Calacanis not only argued that any consumer knows how to pick a winning startups, but that the populist thing to do is to let the masses bet on them.
Blog Millionaire Warns of Imminent Google Glass Ass-Kickings
Sam Biddle · 07/09/13 12:46PM
Jason Calacanis, who once made a popular thing many years ago and has since been a go-to authority on race relations and poker, is ready with his forecast for the future of Google Glass. There's some bad news: the face computer's ruining his dance floor vibes, and he just might "punch you in the face" over it.