MG Siegler Pinpoints Everything Wrong with Tech Journalism in One Post
Sam Biddle · 01/02/14 12:07PMNature abhors a vacuum, Silicon Valley abhors even the most minute attempt at criticism. So when Quartz's Christopher Mims wrote "2013 was a lost year for tech," gallant techies took offense. Charging at the fore was TechCrunch alum and VC MG Siegler, who has really had it up to here with reporters thinking critically:
Watch Mike Arrington Talk About Trading Favors for Blog Posts
Sam Biddle · 11/04/13 11:47AMGoogle's MG Siegler: Apple Is "Boring"
Sam Biddle · 06/03/13 10:47AMCrunchFund: It's 'About Who You Know'
Nitasha Tiku · 05/07/13 05:54PM
After MG Siegler's announcement yesterday that the CrunchFund general partner was moving onto greener, more re$$$ourceful pastures at Google Ventures, questions about the future of the conflicted fund grew louder. But according to Dan Primack's crystal ball, detractors should put down their knives for now, thanks to the potential of good returns.