Driving the Tech Elite to Work Is a Miserable, Thankless Job
Kevin Montgomery · 08/14/14 06:00PM
Tech buses don't need anymore bad press. Their mere existence in San Francisco has been enough to make them the most hated bus system in America. But a new report is certain to drag their reputation down even further: companies are paying their bus drivers obscenely low wages and forcing them to work 15.5 hour days, six of which are unpaid.
San Francisco Boldly Stands Up to Tech Buses with $3.55 Fee
Kevin Montgomery · 07/15/14 06:10PMKevin Montgomery · 07/01/14 10:57AM

How's this for a metaphor for what's going on in San Francisco? Directly outside City Hall yesterday, a pleb-filed Muni collided with a luxury tech bus. It's the rich and the poor—the private and public sectors—butting heads again before a mayor increasingly giving favors to Silicon Valley. [Photo: defabulous]