Watch The Daily Show Mock a Bunch of Google Glassholes Tonight
Kevin Montgomery · 06/12/14 05:35PM
The Daily Show is scheduled to air a segment on the plight of the glasshole tonight. It follows Sarah Slocum, who was allegedly assaulted in a San Francisco dive bar for recording patrons with Google Glass before going on a self-promotion tour that lasted most of the spring. Now we can watch the spotlight return to her computer-adorned face.
Jon Stewart: Google Mystery Barge Is the Start of a Bad Horror Movie
Nitasha Tiku · 10/31/13 03:45PM
Every curious citizen has a theory about what's hidden inside Google's mystery barges and Jon Stewart is no different. Last night on The Daily Show, Stewart sliced through the fervent speculation with a voice of reason: "Let's be clear, it's not normal for an internet search engine to launch secret ocean vessels."