Tech PR Dummies: Please Follow My Boss on Twitter Please Please Please

Self-promotion on social media is an embarrassing and undignified business. One Lenovo PR exec boldly refused to pretend otherwise, approaching "top tier journalists" with arms outstretched: flattery in one hand, bribery in the other.
Team Followback, thy name is Lenovo.
From: Brion TinglerDate: Jul 30, 2014
Subject: Shameless request from Lenovo Corporate PR
You are getting this email because you are a top tier journalist covering Lenovo or the areas we are active in. Of course if you disagree with this evaluation, let me know and I will gladly remove or move you to another list that we keep deep in the vaults.
I am shamelessly writing to ask you follow me @BrionTingler and @jeffshaferpr (my boss) on Twitter.
Not only will we be putting out interesting stuff in the days and months ahead, what's more, anyone who follows me in the next 10 days, I promise to retweet at least 3 of their tweets. As for Jeff, I am sure his tweets will be interesting enough without the bribe. But of course I have to say that. ;-)
Also, if you want to go beyond our brilliant Lenovo corporate news and insights, free to friend, follow or just check out the following social resources from Lenovo (our social team is doing its best to make it worth your while):
Thanks, Brion
Brion Tingler
Global Corporate Communications and Public Affairs
New York, New York
How much do you hate Jeff for making you do this, Brion? Send us a DM. He'll never know.
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