Techie Apartment Complex Declares San Francisco the "Promised Land"

NEMA hadn't even opened before the luxury apartment complex became the recipient of San Francisco's collective scorn. The complex, which is conveniently nuzzled between the headquarters of Twitter, Square, and Uber, attempted to rename the poverty-stricken Mid-Market neighborhood "New Market"—ostensibly to help its posh residents forget they were paying $3,388/month for a one bedroom outside of homeless camps. Now NEMA is erecting an art piece entitled "Promised Land" along Market Street.
The piece, which appears to be tech's answer to Plymouth Rock, intends to celebrate California as a "destination to create one's fortune as a pioneer in a land which has traditionally embraced innovation."
To commemorate Promised Land's imminent unveiling, NEMA, which once hired dancing monkey men to entertain guests during their lavish open house, wants to hear about their residents' trying journeys to reach techie nirvana.
We would like to hear what Promised Land means to you and the journey you have taken to find your place in California / San Francisco / NEMA.
So dust off your Stanford admissions essay, NEMA residents. The best entry in the contest will receive a $500 gift certificate to Alta CA—the restaurant across the street funded by venture capital.
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