Tumblr's Media Director Quits

Tumblr brought Mark Coatney aboard from Newsweek to bolster the site's editorial side—"to show how [Tumblr] can be key to connecting journalists and readers." Three years (and a Yahoo acquisition) later, and another early employee is gone. That's two in only a few weeks.
Coatney isn't saying much about the departure, other than that it's a "good time" to go:
I’m giving up that email soon, along with some great friends and co-workers: I’m leaving Tumblr this month. It’s a a good time, with Tumblr moving into a new and even better stage with Yahoo, and though I’m happy about the decision and excited about new opportunities, it’s still bittersweet.
His exit comes off the heels of Tumblr's creative director, Jacob Bijani, also hitting the door. It also, of course, follows the unceremonious shitcanning of Tumblr's editorial staff, which isn't something that'll please a media director. Read Coatney's full statement below:
One of the perks of being an early employee at any startup is the email address, and for the past three years my nom de Tumblrmail has been mark@tumblr.com. David set the account up when I started—David did a little of everything in those days—and I count myself so fortunate to have been part of that time.
I’m giving up that email soon, along with some great friends and co-workers: I’m leaving Tumblr this month. It’s a a good time, with Tumblr moving into a new and even better stage with Yahoo, and though I’m happy about the decision and excited about new opportunities, it’s still bittersweet.
Not the least because I’ll no longer have the pleasure of working day-to-day with the folks in my Outreach Team: Rachel, who is just the best; she makes every Tumblr author feel like the brightest star on Tumblr. Jen, the Posh Spice of our group, sophisticated and the one person in the world you most want to have pick the restaurant. Nate, who is more of a rock star than the music people he works with. Max and Jeremy, honorary members who are just the nicest, smartest dudes you’ll ever meet. Liba, in whom even Heads of State confide, who everyone seeks out for advice. Valentine, who is somehow both unbelievably connected, unbelievably fashionable and unbelievably nice.Annie, whose youth we stole, who will outshine us all.
And I’ll no longer have the privilege of working with that original core of great people who make Tumblr such a great product—Peter, the design conscience of Tumblr, and his whole great team;Topher, who is the human embodiment of Tumblr; Megan, who kept us all happy and well-fed; Andrew, who doesn’t get the credit he deserves for a whole sleepless year spent as Tumblr’s entire Ops department; Thomas, who helped me so much from the Support team. The entire Support team, in fact, is best of breed and entirely underrated. The second wave of engineers—Michael, Mackenzie (he’s more than just the man behind TommyPom!,) Dallas, Chris (who’s not only just the best Android developer, but also has an ap that will change journalism—hit him up for more!).
As I leave, I’ll be joining a list of distinguished Tumblr alums—Marco, Matt, Josh, Marc, Meagan,Jacob, Andrew, Fredrik, Gina, Blake, Evan, Chris, Jessica and Sky just to name a few, as well as John, who brought me to Tumblr in the first place, and to whom I owe so much.
And thanks of course to David, for three of the best years.
Now, well, I’m a free agent, with a hungry baby to feed, so hit me up if you have any cool projects! From now on you can reach me at mark.coatney@gmail.com, and, for always, right here on Tumblr.