Which Startup CEOs Were Spotted at This Bikini-Clad Bathhouse Party?

Sean Glass, the Park Avenue-raised, Dalton-educated son of music mogul, is trying super hard at his "job" to make the New York tech community look cool.
The self-described "musical director" for the tech set (scare quotes absolutely necessary) co-hosted a party at the Russian & Turkish Baths in the East Village this weekend that fell just short of Stefon-level absurdity. There was, however, enough wood paneling and strung out girls in bikinis to remake that Fiona Apple video.

The invite instructed techies to "fucking come" and came they did. We spotted a number of startup faces, both tagged and untagged, on the event's public Facebook album. That's General Assembly cofounder Matthew Brimer in the zebra headgear in the photo up top. In that same pic, you'll see David Champion, the founder of Zuse and infoHubs Network, and scenester Rameet Chawla, a mobile architect at Fueled. Perhaps Chawla was one of the "human hyperlinks" Glass met at Summit Series?
GroupMe cofounder Steve Martocci, whose company was acquired by Skype for a reported $85 million, was also there—along with his girlfriend Poptip founder and CEO Kelsey Falter.
Josh Currie from doUdeal showed up. So did LaunchRock cofounder and CEO Jameson Detweiler, pictured to the right of the panda lady with the tambourine.
Emily Bachman, who does marketing for Yelp and marketing and strategic partnerships at BangOn!, posed for the cameras with Glass himself. While DormRoomFund's Kim Pham tweeted her Foursquare check-in.
Honestly, the most absurd thing about the party might be the descriptions of the startups they work for. Still, you might not want to stop by the bathhouse again until it's been properly disinfected.