Another Major Tumblr Employee Quits

Editorial Director Christopher Price, who joined Tumblr a week after it launched and has been part of its inner circle ever since, is jumping ship.
Price, who goes by Topherchris on this here internet, said only the following:
Precisely 1,540 days ago, I walked into a small office in Manhattan, oblivious to the incredible journey that I was about to take. Today, my decision to leave becomes officially official.
Joining Tumblr (both as a user and later on as an employee) will end up being one of the best decisions of my entire life. I’m thankful beyond words for the opportunities.
The team at Tumblr consists of some of the smartest, most creative, funniest, kindest, and most punctual people I’ve ever known, and can’t wait to see what they come up with next for this website that I love.
Whats next for me: I have no idea! But I know I’m just getting started.
(See you again in a few minutes when I make another post.)
Price, who served as Editorial Director, is now the third major employee to leave the company since the Yahoo! acquisition.