AOL CEO Tim Armstrong Resists Demonizing Sick Woman

Yesterday's earnings call with shareholders and reporters revealed two AOL bombshells: not only does AOL still exist, but it appears its bullying chief executive is no longer blaming the company's struggles on infirm female employees.
It was only this part February that Tim Armstrong called out those god damned "distressed babies," blaming the imperiled tots for AOL's downgraded 401k plan. But on yesterday's call, he was a new man:
The final thing I'd say just on a personal note for the employees that are listening to call is I want to give a shout out to Patty who is somebody, one of our assistants that's in New York who just got done with her last cancer treatment. We call her the sheriff around the office. The sheriff is back in town and we're having a party for her later today. I hope everybody in New York will join Patty's party today at 5:30. It's great to have her back. And we'll see you guys on the next earnings call. Thanks for joining us.
That sounds very sincere and good.
Photo: Getty