Bang With Friends Got Banned From the Apple App Store

That didn't take long! Last Wednesday, Bang with Friends—the app that lets you find which of your Facebook friends are down to bone—released an iPhone and Android version of the service. But Apple has already booted it out. Cofounder and CEO Colin Hodge told Valleywag that he's working with Apple to get the app, which recently crossed the million user mark, back in the iPhone's warm embrace.
Bang With Friends previously had to switch out its raunchy, Kama Sutric logo to get an official designation on Facebook, changing it from "the humping logo to BWF." But it has a good relationship with the social network, said Hodge. Facebook is mindful of retaining the app's 18 to 25 year old demographic, especially now that its average user is more than 30-years-old. The install button in Google Play is also still in tact.
Apple did not immediately responded to questions about why Bang with Friends was banned. "We are waiting to hear more from Apple as to why," said Hodge.
There doesn't seem to be anything about the app that would set off Apple's over-sensitive porn sensors, except your illicit intentions. Perhaps its a privacy issue?
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