A staple of the Gilded Age 2.0 startup party, beyond custom stickers and a GIF photo booth, is the novelty cocktail. At last night's "Shin Digg" (get it?) in New York, the chic aggregator was serving gin-based middle fingers to one of its vocal critics.

Dave Winer—best known for early, pioneering work in bloggin' software—has some pointed thoughts about Digg's impending Google Reader replacement: he doesn't think it exists or deserves our attention.

Vaporware! You might as well accuse a startup of cannibalism. But why sulk about the accusation when you can gloat via alcohol? (I've seen the Digg Reader, for what it's worth, and it is both real and very nice looking!) No word whether Winer ever showed up to see the drink named in his honor.