Top California Pols Invited to Sean Parker's Eco-Fuck Wedding [UPDATE]

So you want to put a giant construction site inside an ancient redwood forest so you can have artificial ruins on your wedding day. Fine. It'll take a lot of money. It also helps if the most powerful people in the state are sitting on those ruins.
The San Francisco Chronicle brings us another detail in Sean Parker's "King Joffrey Decapitates Captain Planet" fanfic:
In a too-close-for-comfort twist to this tale, two of California's top officials were reportedly at the celebrity-studded event: Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom and Attorney General Kamala Harris. Harris is the top law enforcement official in California. Newsom's state website says the lieutenant governor serves on the Coastal Commission in alternate years, but his office said he does not. Newsom does serve on the Ocean Protection Council every other year.
Calls to Harris and the Coastal Commission weren't returned.
Why would you throw money at a problem, when you can throw money and influence at a problem?
Update: SF Weekly points out that Newsom has erased all mention of the Coastal Commission from his website since the wedding. But it sure used to be there, as you can see.