Every Inspirational Quote on the Salesforce Tower Construction Site

Salesforce Tower, currently under construction, has set records in terms of height (it will be the tallest building in San Francisco and tallest office building west of Chicago) as well as commercial rent (CEO Marc Benioff is paying $1 billion to occupy the lower 30 floors and penthouse.) The building has also achieved new heights in propaganda.
When I walked by the SoMa construction site at 415 Mission Street this weekend, it was surrounded by as many startup Successories posters as Facebook's headquarters.
Why would a hole in the ground with a bunch of pipes require words of wisdom from the Greek philosopher Epictetus, bits from a Steve Jobs commencement speech, or false measurements about the size of San Francisco? Gotta keep the attitude as self-aggrandizing as the rents.
Take, for example, this fake quote about nerds to Bill Gates. "Why it has frequently been attributed to him is a mystery to us, as it doesn't sound at all like something he would write," said Snopes, wondering if perhaps it "struck a chord with someone who views Gates as the ultimate successful nerd of all time."

A month after the deal to rename San Francisco's Transbay Tower was announced, Benioff also got the Heron Tower in London, which struggled to find tenants during the recession. That building is also named after Salesforce, a cloud computing company best known for software that helps manage relationships between companies and customers.
To contact the author of this post, please email nitasha@gawker.com.
[Images by me, except for the daytime photo by Instagram/RollsRoys]