Here's a tip for all the transportation startups out there: if you're going to constantly hit San Franciscans with Facebook ads, at least make sure you're not using the same stock photograph as everyone else.
Here's a tip for all the transportation startups out there: if you're going to constantly hit San Franciscans with Facebook ads, at least make sure you're not using the same stock photograph as everyone else.
My guess is there are literally zero Uber drivers who look like that.
Be sure this guy gets paid for this picture.....
I've seen one Getaround OWNER that looks like that. That is the absolute limit to this example.
may be they are twins? #arf
Be sure that guy's dental hygienist has Medicare before she goes in there.
Disclaimer: Results not typical. $1,000 guaranteed income subject to exclusions and restrictions. Not available in all areas. You may or may not choose to charge car renters additional fees for the transport of drugs, weapons, death squads and/or other illegal contraband/criminals.
Kevin, what I really want to know is... is this one of the APPROVED new stock photography featuring women 'leaning-in' from Queen Sheryl personally? and if its not, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! (or their ads in facebook at least)
Is it just not fucking possible to find an original photo of a girl by a car.