Here's Your Sean Parker Wedding Money Shot [UPDATE: More Elf Queen]

It may not be the forest cosplay fest we all had our fingers crossed for, but we'll take what we can get. Former Facebook prez and impenitent tech party boy Sean Parker is officially hitched to Daenerys Targaryen.
Forget what you heard about Sean Parker's wedding. It elegant, tasteful, and magical.
— John Perry Barlow (@JPBarlow) June 2, 2013
Still waiting to see exactly where that $10 million wedding budget went before we can say this wedding was entirely uninfluenced by fantasy lore—they were building something up in them woods!—but in the meantime, mazel tov to Sean and his Khaleesi.
Update: Alexandra Lenas Parker uploaded an official (in focus) photo of the woodland kiss.

I'm just saying.

Update 2: The New York Post says Cory Booker was in attendance, and Sting sang to the couple as part of their ceremony. So that should account for part of the $10 million budget.