Sean Parker Just Can't Help Making Things Worse

Unless you've been accused of murder, replying to critics on the internet is generally a horrible idea. Case in point: Sean Parker, whose repeated railings against press commentary on his wedding has only spawned more. Now he's threatening to sue his critics. Sean. Sean.
This is just the latest (and I doubt last) blip in Parker's feedback loop of demanding decency by acting like a maniac, or hoping for privacy by providing Vanity Fair with exclusive photos.
His latest attempt to get everyone to leave him alone: write a rambling Facebook threat against a reporter, and then pay to promote that post on Facebook to ensure that as many people as possible see it:
The link-baiting world of journalism has sunk to a new low: now reporters are writing headlines that directly contradict the content of their stories. You see, Rebecca Greenfield at The Atlantic absolutely LOVES to write about my wedding and she's written venomous stories about it so many times that I've lost track. Despite all the hateful rants she's penned on the subject (which are bordering on obsessive) she has yet to reach out to me for a single comment on one of her stories. I guess she is the sort of digital stalker who prefers to torment her victims from afar. Now, apparently she did contact Vanity Fair who, correctly, confirmed that they had NOT been invited to cover the wedding.. She even mentions this fact in her article..and yet INEXPLICABLY the headline states the exact opposite! Really, how low can we go?? I would wager to bet that this meets the legal standard of libel — deliberately making representations that are known to be false and doing so with malice. Maybe we need digital restraining orders..and until that happens, I guess we'll have to file defamation suits.
Sean, this is free advice: if you leave it alone, everyone will forget. I promise you. Everyone always forgets. I don't think we need digital restraining orders—we just need to, more often than not, close the tab and go do something else. The post has 546 likes, 235 comments, 14 likes, and counting. Diagnoses of some kind of impulse pathology, so far, zero.