Snapchat Demands Restraining Order Against Betrayed Brofounder

The volume of pure resentment spewing out of Snapchat is approaching early-Winklevoss levels: TechCrunch reports the co-creators, embroiled in legal grappling, are now asking for a restraining order against their former friend after alleged leaks to the press.
Business Insider has obtained several clips of closed-door, "confidential" deposition videos that make Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel look like a bit of a conniving sociopath. Which may be true! It probably is! But it's also highly advantageous to Reggie Brown, the former friend who says he's owed a piece of the action for helping start the company. Brown and his lawyers have fessed up to it, according to the restraining order motion:
On or about November21, 2013, the news publication Business Insider ("Business Insider") released what it described as "leaked videos"of depositions in this case that Snapchat had designated as "Confidential" under the Protective Order. On November25, 2013, Business Insider released "more never-before-seen clips from the depositions." Snapchatimmediately demanded thatplaintiff disclosethe source of these "leaks." On December2, 2013, after repeated inquiries, plaintiff's counsel finally admitted that they had knowingly provided members of the media with deposition testimony that Snapchat had designated as "Confidential"under the Protective Order entered in this case.
These leaks have been a problem for Snapchat, because they inform the public about the truth, which is never fun during a legal proceeding when reality is so unsympathetic. In retaliation, Snapchat's legal team is asking for fines and other monetary compensation, and an immediate end to press leaks—which could be a problem for the "exclusive GQ interview" Brown is allegedly working on.
As a publisher of leaked deposition videos, we hope said restraining order will not prevail, because it's a lot of fun to watch these kids squirm about screwing over the other kid! And besides, Snapchat attorneys: everyone already saw your client look creepy on camera. Might as well let it keep flowing.
Snapchat Files Restraining Order