Snapchat Beta Tested with Homeless People

Amid this hellish, malarial rant about innovation, or something, startup founder Francis Pedraza says one interesting thing: Snapchat is so simple, even the destitute can use it! We all need to think about the way "tech people" view the rest of us.
"Snapchat. It wasn’t that long ago I was sitting on the rooftop deck of their Venice Beach office with Evan [pictured above], their CEO," Pedraza reminisces. "That was five months or so ago." What sage words did Snapchat's frat-star founder bestow?
When I asked Evan for the story of how and why they built the product, he talked about how they would do stuff like build something, showed it to RANDOM people — like homeless people — and watched them use it, with no explanation or guidance. Then they would ask questions, gain some insight, and iterate.
Imagine a wealthy kid from Stanford approaching you, on the street, and shoving an iPhone in your face. No words. Just use it. Snap it. It doesn't get more random than a man without a home! That's random as hell. Pedraza makes a clear distinction between entrepreneurs and the rest of us—us randoms—a sort of dipshit dualist worldview:
On the ride home last night, my Uber driver blew me away with his startup idea. Hang on. If I think a random person’s idea could work, then either I am going crazy, or my standards aren’t high enough, right?
The next great tech revolution will be tapping America's underutilized Random Population, the drivers, the panhandlers, the fast food cooks.