Snapchat Founder Requires Controversy-Free Interview

Full disclosure: Spiegel agreed to be the interviewed by the Palisadian-Post under the guideline that no controversial questions would be asked. He also would not let this reporter audiotape the interview.
So, to be clear: no asking about the third founder who was pushed out of Snapchat, or sexting, or privacy, or how Snapchat will ever make money, or the time Mark Zuckerberg tried to buy Snapchat, or anything, really. Let's just keep it cool.
Is this the greatest disclosure of our time?
It's certainly some next-level PR handling! Of course it reflects just as poorly on the Palisadian-Post to agree to a non-interview with Snapchat's Ferrari-driving boy-chief. But it also shows just how insulated Mr. Spiegel has become early in his career as software prince—or maybe they just don't want him talking about that pesky lawsuit?