The S.S. 8-bit?
Modern Viking warship, from Ikea.
Actually, Venus, after the goddess of vegetarians... I mean... love. Interestingly, the Jobs family attempted to stiff the designer on the remainder of his fee. I get the impression they didn't really want anything to do with the thing, and kinda just said, "What're we gonna do with a freaking yacht?" Or maybe it was just a result of the grieving process (while yelping, "Yippee!" at the top of their lungs as they counted all that luvverly moolah).
Call me a cynic... but at heart I'm just a Nihilist.
Or the family could have realized that a yacht design that pays no heed to seaworthiness may be a bad investment... btw, if I ever have a yacht (yeah, like that'll happen) I'm going to call her Nihilist. That will confuse everybody no end.
IIRC, the fee for the designer of the boat was supposed to be a percentage of the total cost of constructing the thing. When it came in 30% under the estimate, the fee was paid out as 30% under what was expected.
I tried to steal it but I couldn't find the ON button.
Is that boat photo-shopped on the sea?
This is the ship that's filled with cannibal rats, right?