Sam Biddle · 07/15/14 09:14AM
Marissa Mayer Slept Through a Business Dinner
Sam Biddle · 06/23/14 03:06PM
Nobody really enjoys using most of the Yahoo! branded apps or websites, so the company's future rests largely on the money it can make from advertising. For this reason and perhaps others, it's not a good sign that Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer showed up hours late to a client dinner because she was asleep.
Surprise: Social Media Ads Don't Do Shit
Sam Biddle · 06/23/14 10:40AMToday In Sexist Startup Advertisements on Facebook
Sam Biddle · 06/09/14 03:25PM
A hearty golf clap to Homejoy, for using a stock photo of a woman cleaning the floor while also holding up her husband who is lying on a sofa, and to Fluc, for proving that naming your startup "Fluc" isn't literally the worst possible marketing decision. Your checks are in the mail, in the amount of -$100,000,000.
Facebook Is Ending the Free Ride
Sam Biddle · 03/19/14 12:45PM
Facebook pulled the best practical joke of the internet age: the company convinced countless celebrities, bands, and "brands" that its service was the best way to reach people with eyeballs and money. Maybe it is! But now that companies have taken the bait, Facebook is holding the whole operation hostage.
Sam Biddle · 03/06/14 03:17PM
Buzzfeed and Facebook Are Like Cersei and Jaime Lannister
Nitasha Tiku · 02/20/14 12:45PM
The law of platforms puts boundaries on appropriate interaction between Facebook (a means for content distribution) and Buzzfeed (a content manufacturer). But, somehow, the two tech companies keep getting caught in an unholy alliance, including a little love from Facebook's $19 billion WhatsApp acquisition.
Black Twitter FINALLY Gets Recognized ... So Twitter Can Sell Ads
Nitasha Tiku · 01/21/14 12:05PM
Last July describing the cultural impact of Black Twitter, Buzzfeed's Shani O. Hilton wrote, "It's diffuse, powerful, and all around you." That's the kind of active, influential user base that startups dream of. But we've barely heard a peep about it from Twitter. Now that it needs ad revenue, that's changing.
Venmo: Everyone Hates Your Weirdo Subway Ads
Sam Biddle · 01/16/14 11:29AMThe Shadowy Network That Helps Candy Crush Drive Downloads
Nitasha Tiku · 01/06/14 04:29PMFour Lies Mark Zuckerberg Tells Himself
Nitasha Tiku · 01/06/14 11:15AMTumblr Is Now Using the Saddest Kind of Online Advertising
Sam Biddle · 12/27/13 04:32PMSam Biddle · 11/14/13 09:02AM
Google has officially perfected the shameless tearjerker advertisement. Corporate propaganda at its absolute loveliest.