Tech's Push to Help Schools Looks Like a Campaign Ad For Ed Lee
Kevin Montgomery · 09/30/14 01:28PM
Just two weeks before San Francisco's 2011 mayoral election, billionaire angel investor Ron Conway pushed out a viral campaign ad for Mayor Ed Lee that featured cameos from local sports stars and Silicon Valley tech celebs. Now, 13 months before Lee's next election, Conway's techie advocacy group has released another ad including all the hallmarks from the original "2 Legit 2 Quit" video.
Can We Call Jelly a Failure Yet?
Sam Biddle · 03/24/14 02:36PMThe Most Hyped Secret Startup of 2013 Is Here (And Incredibly Boring)
Sam Biddle · 01/07/14 12:26PM"Jelly" has been a closely guarded secret since it was first teased by Twitter co-founder Biz Stone on April Fools Day. It's managed to pull in hugely prominent investors and awed press, based on literally nothing more than the word "Jelly." Now, it has revealed itself. It's a way to ask your friends questions.