Twitter Cofounder Prioritizes Wes Anderson Office Theme Before Product

With all that disrupting, Silicon Valley can get a little topsy-turvy sometimes. No revenue leads to higher value and, now, movie-based office themes are officially announced before the product that's supposed to be built there.
Yesterday Biz Stone, Twitter's drama free cofounder, wrote a blog post about his new company Jelly. According to the Verge, Stone plans to use Jelly as a way to build on the core idea of a startup he previously advised called Fluther (named after a group of jellyfish.) Fluther is a Q&A website and Jelly will be some mobile version of that.
You won't get any more product details from Stone's post, but you will learn which Wes Anderson film inspired his office decor:
Jelly is starting to come to life. We finally have a permanent office in San Francisco which we designed with a kind of “The Life Aquatic” theme because we’re named after the venerable jellyfish and, who doesn’t love the ocean? Plus, in the words of Steve Zissou: This is an adventure.
Our product is very close to launching so we have a new home on the web, This is where we will continue to post updates about our work, news about our company, and in general, all things Jelly. More importantly, this is where you will be able to download Jelly when it’s available.
It's not clear how fancy lightbulbs and golf scream underwater explorer, but the vibe is definitely not chill:
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