Semen-Like Food Replacement Lands $1.5 Million Investment
Sam Biddle · 10/21/13 01:58PM
Soylent is a tough sell, as it's impossible to try it and not think about eating sperm. But it's a cult hit among a certain Silicon Valley subset, which swears it's actually a viable alternative to the venerable human pastime of chewing. It sounds (is?) crazy, but not too crazy to get a big new funding round.
Monsanto Buys Billion Dollar Startup to Conquer Earth's Weather
Sam Biddle · 10/02/13 09:54AM
Villainous agri-corp Monsanto, known for playing God with your cornflakes and terrorizing small farmers, just locked down a big acquisition: TechCrunch reports it now owns Climate Corporation, a firm that specializes in "big data" weather prediction. Silicon Valley meets an episode of Captain Planet.
Startup Pulls $3 Mil Investment to Mail Frozen Sandwiches Across USA
Sam Biddle · 09/18/13 11:30AM
Behold the era of software companies that are literally disgusting: Goldbely, with the name and business sense of a cartoon Bond villain, just snagged a big check for an unfathomably unappetizing idea. For only $100, you can get an authentic Philly cheesesteak shipped to your Silicon Valley office, and then puke.
Nobody Wants To Eat with Internet Strangers
Sam Biddle · 08/19/13 04:36PMStartup Dudes Are Sniping Restaurant Reservations with Robots
Sam Biddle · 07/25/13 02:22PMThe Foie Gras Fountain Is in Conference Room B
Jeremy Blachman · 07/08/13 11:24AM
Dear Employees—We hope you’ve been enjoying the caviar station next to the copy center. As we complete our fourteenth round of venture capital funding, we are pleased to announce some additional workplace perks, to be added to the list outlined in the brochure you received during your month-long orientation at Nirvana All-Inclusive Beach Resort. We trust that you still have the brochure, since, like all of our corporate literature, it is made of gold.