What Do You Eat If You're an Exec at LinkedIn?

Raw meat soaked in hot fat for hours on end: either delicious or a deliciously horrible metaphor for Silicon Valley.
In a new wink at LinkedIn, the company that sends you a lot of emails, Bloomberg BusinessWeek uncovers this gem while talking to the company's senior vice president of engineering:
As mentioned, Scott likes to engineer things to the extreme. Two months ago, for example, he made a ribeye confit by submerging six pounds of steak in in four pounds of herb-infused melted butter for three hours. “I feel guilty to admit to doing such a horrible thing, but it was pretty awesome,” says Scott, who is not a thin man. With his confit-enhanced stomach, Hawaiian shirts, soul patch, and affably obsessive demeanor, he seems to be an inspiration to LinkedIn’s engineering corps, which performs major upgrades to the site three times a day.
The perks of being at a company whose IPO was not a complete catastrophe. [BW]