Report: San Francisco's Techie Tax Break Barely Helped Local Economy
Kevin Montgomery · 11/03/14 12:50PM
When Ed Lee was appointed mayor of San Francisco in early 2011, he quickly spearheaded the passage of a Mid-Market neighborhood tax break. It was sold to the public as a way to keep high-profile startups like Twitter in town and revive the chronically-struggling neighborhood. But a report for the city's controller's office indicates the tax break hasn't been quite so successful.
Twitter Teaching the Homeless to Code In Exchange for Tax Break
Kevin Montgomery · 10/24/14 12:10PM
The last time a startup programmer taught a homeless man to code, the naive vanity project failed. A few engineering lessons failed to solve socioeconomic realities and the man was still sleeping in the streets eight months later. But Twitter has higher hopes for its new "learning center" where employees can "teach tech skills" to San Francisco's homeless.
Inside Uber's New "Polished, Yet Gritty" Man Cave
Kevin Montgomery · 06/02/14 08:19PM
Uber might be slashing prices and squeezing their drivers while battling Lyft, but that's no excuse not to move into posh new offices in San Francisco's "it" Mid-Market neighborhood. Their new headquarters are located in the same building as Square, with Twitter as their neighbors. The Chronicle charitably describes the space as "the man cave of a tasteful bachelor."
Witness The Most Obnoxious Signs In Twitter's Neighborhood
Nitasha Tiku · 03/27/14 04:45PMSan Francisco Mayor Put in Office By Tech Industry Loves Tech Industry
Nitasha Tiku · 11/12/13 01:21PM
A month before San Francisco's last mayoral election, when Ed Lee's rivals struggled to raise funds, Lee was helped along by independent committees like San Franciscans for Jobs and Good Government, a group funded by Ron Conway and Sean Parker. In one quarter alone, they raised $364,000, half from Conway and $100,000 from Parker.