Twitter Building a "Skybridge" So Employees Don't Have to Go Downstairs

Twitter finally began posting profits over the summer, and the company is spending it on an expansion into the building behind them. But having two buildings really breaks up the open floor plan. So Twitter is looking into building a "skybridge" to optimize efficiency.
According to building permits filed with the Department of Building Inspection that were obtained by Valleywag, Twitter is spending at least $11.4 million to build new offices on multiple floors at 875 Stevenson Street (which the company is having readdressed as 1 10th Street). In a statement to Bloomberg, Twitter says the proposed skybridge linking the buildings will save so many minutes:
"It's simple efficiency — it would take at least five minutes per employee to go down an elevator, out of one building, into the other, and up the elevator to the right floor," Twitter said in a statement.
Another benefit of the skybridge? Twitter employees can avoid awkward elevator interactions with the social workers in their building.
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