Senator Rockefeller Demands Privacy Answers from Whisper
Sam Biddle · 10/23/14 01:30PMThis Is How Whisper Is Tracking Its "Anonymous" Users
Sam Biddle · 10/16/14 11:40AMNitasha Tiku · 10/10/14 02:03PM
Uber Used Private Location Data for Party Amusement
Sam Biddle · 09/30/14 12:20PMLarry and Sergey Are Building Google Maps But For The Human Body
Nitasha Tiku · 07/25/14 12:50PM
Last night, Google announced what the Wall Street Journal says "may be its most ambitious and difficult science project ever." Baseline Study will try to create the most comprehensive picture of "what a healthy human being should be" by mapping personal genetic and molecular information. It will start with anonymous data from 175 people and then "thousands more," says the paper.
Facebook Deliberately Experimented on Your Emotions
Sam Biddle · 06/30/14 09:15AMJudge Allows LinkedIn Lawsuit Because Spammy Emails Hurt Your Rep
Nitasha Tiku · 06/13/14 05:45PMGoogle’s Thermostat Division Wants to Get Into the Nanny Cam Business
Nitasha Tiku · 05/27/14 12:23PM
Search engines and home security go together about as well as microwave ovens and television programming, but now that Facebook is a utility, Google might as well be GE. The Information reports that Google's Nest division wants to expand beyond smart-thermostats by acquiring Dropcam, the company famous for "[taking] the nanny cam out of the fake teddy bear."
Do You Want Facebook Listening to Your iPhone?
Sam Biddle · 05/22/14 11:54AMGoogle's Mega-Hypocrite Says His Privacy Is More Important than Yours
Sam Biddle · 05/19/14 03:48PMNSA: Tech Companies Knew We Were Spying on You All Along
Sam Biddle · 03/19/14 03:25PMGoogle Glass "Hate Crime Victim" Accused of Spying on Neighbors in '12
Sam Biddle · 03/18/14 03:17PMMark Zuckerberg Gave Obama an Angry Phone Call
Sam Biddle · 03/13/14 02:32PMEd Snowden, You Wasted Your Time at SXSW
Sam Biddle · 03/13/14 02:20PMNitasha Tiku · 03/11/14 12:49PM
Privacy Watchdog: Don't Trust Facebook with WhatsApp
Sam Biddle · 03/07/14 03:33PMTinder Exposed Your Exact Location for Months
Nitasha Tiku · 02/19/14 12:10PMGoogle Admits Google+ Was Just A Ploy To Track Your Behavior Online
Nitasha Tiku · 02/17/14 01:20PM
As a social network, Google+ is just a bunch of empty circles spinning in a barren wasteland. But Google could give a fuck if consumers prefer Facebook. What the $400 billion data vacuum really wanted, reports The New York Times, is to track everything you do online and sell that personal information to advertisers.