Waves of Spam Are Infiltrating Snapchat
Nitasha Tiku · 01/13/14 12:00PMSam Biddle · 01/09/14 10:27AM
Nitasha Tiku · 01/02/14 06:48PM
Security Expert Says Snapchat Needs "To Hire Some Really Good Lawyers"
Nitasha Tiku · 01/02/14 05:50PMHappy New Year! Hackers Leak 4.6 Million Snapchat Accounts
Sam Biddle · 01/01/14 10:33AMSilicon Valley Kings Write Half-Assed Outrage Letter to NSA
Sam Biddle · 12/09/13 06:08PMZuckerberg Wants Your Kid's Student Data
Sam Biddle · 11/27/13—a tech non-profit backed by Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, and other top brass—wants to improve computer science education for young women and minorities. And hey, that's great. But it wouldn't be a Zuck joint without something insidious: the group will hold private data about kids for years.
Google Pays $17 M. for Circumventing Privacy Blocks to Track Consumers
Nitasha Tiku · 11/18/13 02:15PMSnapchat Implicated In Canadian Child Porn Scandal
Nitasha Tiku · 11/14/13 12:19PMGoogle Engineers to NSA: "Fuck these guys"
Sam Biddle · 11/06/13 12:18PMThe NSA Spies on Google and Yahoo Directly at the Source
Sam Biddle · 10/30/13 12:24PMFacebook Wants to Track Your Mouse Cursor
Sam Biddle · 10/30/13 11:47AMThe NSA Is Scanning Your Facebook Friends and Email Contacts
Sam Biddle · 10/14/13 06:46PM
Cool, more things to be terrified of: the Washington Post has more Ed Snowden slides detailing our federal government's data mining operations, and they are bad. Hundreds of millions of address books across Facebook, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, and other various inboxes are subject to secret NSA collection.
Snapchat Opens Pictures for Cops
Sam Biddle · 10/14/13 04:25PMFacebook Removes Privacy Setting, So Anyone Can Find Your Profile
Nitasha Tiku · 10/10/13 06:46PM
Very soon, any Facebook user you haven't blocked will be able to search for your name and find your Facebook profile. It's Google for people and you're just a result. Only no one would know that this is a big change by the way Facebook describes it in its blog post. Ho-hum, just "finishing the removal of an old search setting," says chief privacy officer Michael Richter.